We are a brand with a vision: in January 2030, the pastel-coloured playdough of mec will apply for stock exchange listing as a raw material.

The vision is completely realistic but requires all kinds of, you know, IPO and hockeystick stuff and valuation and definitely some buzz. In this section, you will find collaborations we have executed or planned with various brands. So calling all investors and business angels! We work smart instead of pivoting or robustifying.

1. Yhteistyö

Yhteistyön laajuus:

We delivered colour pencils to the outlet.

Tulevat hankkeet

You know, investors – we have pencils that can write in space. Do you perchance own a space in need of some writing?

Target: $75,000,000

Raised: $0 / $75,000,000

Are you in? Boom!

Do you own Greenland? We have a business idea and we need to buy Greenland.

Mec-Land is the largest entertainment and amusement island state in the world. The price estimate is based on the value of an average private island in Thailand.

Target: $567,873,018,181

Raised: $0 / $567,873,018,181

Are you brave enough to join us in this venture? Contact us! Let’s make profit!

Do you have any questions or are you ready to walk the path to success with us? Contact us here.
